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①The man has died for three years.(×)

=>The man has been dead for three years.(√)

②The meeting has begun for five minutes . .(×)

=>The meeting has been on for five minutes.(√)

③He has left Hefei for three years. .(×)

=>He has been away from Hefei for three years. (√)

④Mr Green has bought the watch for two months. .(×)

=>Mr Green has had the watch for two months. (√)

⑤My brother has joined the army for one year and a half .(×)

=>My brother has been in the army for one year and a half. (√)

⑥He has come to China for 3 weeks. (×

=>He has been in China for 3 weeks. (√)

⑦Jack has borrowed the dictionary since 5 days ago. (×

=>Jack has kept the dictionary since 5 days ago. (√)


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