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外籍人士税收优惠政策 外籍人士税收优惠政策 allowance

The seventh national population census reveal人士ed the number of foreigners living in China for more than three months rose to 845,697 in 2020, from 593,832 10 years earlier. In the first half of 2021, the National Immigration Administration approved 380,000 resident permits for expatriates.


Plans by Beijing to reform tax exemptions on expatriate employee allowances, which have since been shelved, have prompted some overseas businesses to consider moving all or part of their operations out of the coUNtry.


Here is what expat employees need to know about Chinas inpidual income tax (IIT) regime:


Who needs to pay inpidual income tax in China?


Chinese law stipulates that inpiduals who are domiciled in the mainland, or live in the country for a total of 183税收 days in a tax year, will be categorised as tax residents. However, only after staying in the country for six straight years, without exiting for more than 30 days, will global income be taxed.


Non-residents pay taxes only on the income earned in China.


Foreign experts recognised by the Chinese government are exempt from taxation, including United Nations staff and those working on UN aid projects. The same rules apply for people working in China under bilateral cultural and educational exchange programmes that are paid for by foreign parties.


What kind of income is taxed in China?


The IIT levy is applicable to people earning wages, salaries, pay for authors or personal services, plus income from royalties, business operations, interest, pidends and bonuses. Revenue from property leasing or transactions, as well as contingent income, is also taxed.


What is Chinas inpidual income tax rate?


China implements a seven-tier progressive inpidual income tax system:


Do expats get any tax breaks in China?


Expatriate workers enjoy the same income tax rate and thresholds as Chinese nationals. The national threshold for inco外籍me tax is 5,000 yuan (US$783) per month.


Expatriate taxpayers are e优惠政策ntitled to special deduction item外籍人s, including housing rental of up to 1,500 yuan per month, childrens education of up to 1,000 yuan per month, and continued learning of up to 400 yuan per month, until the current non-taxable benefits are removed.


At the end of 2018, Beijing said tax breaks for expat allowances, including those available for language training, housing, and childrens education would be phased out at the beginning of 2022 after a three-year transition period.


But to help foreign businesses, the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration announced in late December the tax breaks will be extended for two more years.


Meanwhile, year-end bonuses will not be included solely in the month they are offered, but split evenly across 12 months, before 2024. Equity incentives offered by listed companies will be taxed separately until the end of this year.


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