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企业的融资方式 Corporate financing


Financing is simply "finding money from outside."


There are two main financing methods for companies. One is debt financing, such as bank loans, and the other is equity financing, which is to find investors.


These two types of financing methods correspond to the "debt" and "equity" on the right side of the balance sheet in the financial statements.

融资原则:时间匹配和风险匹配 Financing principle: time matching and risk matching


Generally, when companies start a new project, they will consider external financing. So should the financing be debt financing or equity financing? In financial management, this is called the "capital structure" problem. Second, if you use debt financing, such as bank loans, should you use short-term loans or long-term loans?


You might say that these two questions are easy to answer, whichever method is cheaper. Trying to use cheap money is indeed an important principle in financing decisions. In financial terms, it is to keep the cost of capital as low as possible, so as to maximize economic profits.


However, although the use of cheap money is important, it is not the most important principle of financing decisions.


The first principle of financing decision-making is that there must be a match between financing methods and investment projects. The "matching" mentioned here has two meanings: one is a match in time, and the other is a match in risk.

期限匹配 Maturity match


Asset-heavy projects usually involve bank loans. Generally speaking, short-term debt has a short loan time and the bank has to bear relatively small risks, so the interest rate will be lower than the interest on long-term debt. In other words, short-term loans are cheaper than long-term loans.


So if you look at the cost of capital, it seems that all companies should use short-term loans. But is this the reality?


According to statistics, more than 60% of listed companies in China have long-term debt. Knowing that short-term loans are cheap, why do companies choose long-term loans?


The reason is that the maturities of short-term debt and long-term investment projects do not match.


For example, if you want to build a theme park, the first few years belonged to the investment period, and the cash flow was usually negative. Only when the project is running normally in the later period will it begin to generate more positive cash flow.


According to the experience of Disneys amusement park, it takes about 11 years from construction and opening to cost recovery. If Disney uses 1-2 years of short-term debt in order to save a little interest expense, then Disney must pay off the debt within 2 years, and the cash flow of the amusement park within 2 years may still be negative, or very small, depending on the project itself , The interest and principal of the loan cannot be supported at all.


The practice of using short-term debt for long-term projects is called "short-term loans and long-term investments" in financial management.


Many companies use short-term loans for long-term projects because short-term loans are cheap and easy to borrow.


However, short-term loans and long-term investments are a very dangerous financial operation.


This is like saying that you borrowed 5,000 yuan from an Internet platform at the beginning of the month and bought a new mobile phone. You have to pay back the money in the middle of the month, but you will only be paid at the end of the month. What should I do if the loan is not repaid by the middle of the month?


When the macro-economy is good, the risks are not visible, but when the economy is in a downturn and banks are tightening money, risks and hidden dangers are exposed.


This is why in the eyes of financial experts, the primary focus of financing decisions is not whether the funds are cheap enough, but the risks behind the funds. The financial risks brought by "short-term loans and long-term investments" are far greater than the benefits of using short-term loans and saving financial expenses.

风险匹配 Risk matching


Risk matching, the main consideration is to choose debt or equity?


Generally speaking, projects with low risk and guaranteed profitability can be more considered for debt financing. There is no profit guarantee. Projects with high risk usually rely on equity financing. Because investors have a higher risk tolerance than creditors.

  • 债权人在意的是项目收益的下限,也就是,这个项目能不能把本金和利息还清,还清之后,项目赚再多的钱,也和债权人没关系。

What the creditors care about is the lower limit of the project’s income, that is, whether the project can pay off the principal and interest. After the project is paid off, no matter how much money the project makes, it has nothing to do with the creditor.

  • 股东更在意的是未来收益的上限,也就是最多能赚多少钱。

Shareholders are more concerned about the upper limit of future earnings, that is, how much money they can make at most.


Startup companies are a typical example. It is often said that 99% of startup projects will fail. For such projects, banks are definitely not willing to lend.


Therefore, start-up companies can only rely mainly on equity financing to develop. So you see, there are a group of institutions that specialize in investing in startup companies, called private equity investment institutions, also known as "venture investment" institutions. They don’t have to pay back the money they invest in startups. If you fail, you will lose everything. But once this company becomes the next unicorn, they will enjoy the greatest benefits.


The time matching problem mentioned earlier actually exists between venture capital institutions and startups. Entrepreneurs and companies are bound for a long time, and venture capital institutions usually sell the shares they hold and exit the company two years after the startup is listed.


In other words, venture capital institutions are short-term shareholders of startups.


What problems will this mismatch of deadlines cause?


That is, the positions of venture capital institutions and founders are not exactly the same. When everyone makes decisions, there will be differences.


The founders are willing to invest in R&D considering the long-term development of the company. But what about venture capital institutions? Since accounting still regards R&D investment as expenses, which will reduce current profits, they are reluctant, because the more R&D investment, the farther away corporate profits will be from the Securities Regulatory Commission’s listing requirements.


In fact, this short-sightedness of private equity institutions is not good for the long-term development of startups.


First, the primary principle of financing decision-making is the matching between financing methods and investment projects. Matching includes two dimensions: duration and risk.


Second, although the financing strategy of "short-term loans and long-term investment" can save financial expenses, it will greatly increase corporate risks.

Third, shareholders have a higher risk tolerance than creditors. Projects with low risk and guaranteed profitability can be more considered for debt financing. There is no profit guarantee. Projects with high risk usually rely on equity financing.

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