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A-level经济:规模经济 Economies of scale

Economies of scale 规模经济: ways in which long run increases in output and capacity can reduce costs per unit of output and increase efficiency. 产出和能力的长期增长可以降低每单位产出的成本并提高效率。

These can be either INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. 这些可以是内部的,也可以是外部的。

Internal economies 内部经济: are long run reductions in costs per unit resulting from expansion of a single business. 是指由于单一业务的扩张而导致的每单位成本的长期减少。

v Technical economies 技术经济: when larger and more efficient capital items can be used because their high costs can be spread across a larger quantity of output. 当可以使用更大和更有效的资本项目时,因为它们的高成本可以分摊到更大的产出数量上。

v Marketing economies 营销经济: occur when high cost advertising and promotion activities are feasible. The costs are covered if they can secure high and rising sails. 当高成本的广告和促销活动可行时就会出现。如果能保证高涨的帆,就能弥补成本。

v Managerial economies 管理经济: become possible when output is high enough to justify hiring specialists to perform specific management tasks e.g. for marketing and HRM. 当产出高到足以证明雇用专家来完成特定的管理任务(如营销和人力资源管理)时,就有可能。

v Financial economies 金融经济: are possible when lenders offer big businesses lower interest rates because they look less risky. 当贷款人向大企业提供较低的利率,因为他们看起来风险较低时,就有可能出现。

v Bulk-buying economies 批量采购经济: occur when businesses are purchasing large enough quantities to be charged a lower price per unit, either because unit supplier costs are reduced or because the buyer has market power. 当企业的采购量足够大时,由于单位供应商成本降低,或由于买方拥有市场力量,就会出现每单位价格较低的情况。

v Risk bearing economies 风险承担经济: when a business has a single product or a single market, it is highly vulnerable if that product fails. (Businesses with many products can spread the risk by offsetting losses in one area against profits elsewhere.) 当企业拥有单一产品或单一市场时,如果该产品失败,它就非常脆弱。(拥有多种产品的企业可以通过用其他地方的利润来抵消一个领域的损失,从而分散风险)。

External economies 外部经济: the reductions in unit costs that occur as long run output rises and are shared by a whole industry rather than limited to a single firm. These are very common when similar firms are concentrated in one location. 随着长期产出的增加而出现的单位成本的降低,并由整个行业共享,而不是仅限于单个公司。当类似的公司集中在一个地方时,这种情况非常普遍。

Diseconomies of Scale 规模不经济

Increases in unit cost that occurs as a business grows larger.


This is mainly due to communication difficulties; it grows harder to share information effectively, contacts inevitably become less personal and there is an increasing chance of conflicting decisions in different departments.



Minimum efficient scale 最小有效规模: the lowest level of output at which average or unit costs can be minimised. 平均成本或单位成本可以最小化的最低产出水平。

Organic growth 有机增长: expansion of a single business by extending its own operations rather than be merger or takeover activity. Slower but more secure. E.g. Sainsbury’s & Coca-Cola 一个企业通过扩大自己的业务而不是通过兼并或收购活动进行扩张。速度较慢但更安全。例如,Sainsbury's和可口可乐公司。

Inorganic growth 无机增长: refers to expansion by merger or takeover, bringing sudden increases in business size. E.g. bank of Scotland took over Halifax.指通过兼并或收购进行扩张,带来业务规模的突然增加。例如,苏格兰银行接管了哈利法克斯

Monopsony 垄断: means literally a single buyer. Buyers with monopsony power have some control over their suppliers and can force them to reduce prices or lose their contacts. 指的是字面上的单一买家。拥有垄断权的买方对其供应商有一定的控制权,可以迫使他们降低价格或失去联系。

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